Consider, if you will, this lovely training aid for very young dragon riders. (Artist unknown. Via Bored Panda.)
Technology, Rambling and Dragons
Consider, if you will, this lovely training aid for very young dragon riders. (Artist unknown. Via Bored Panda.)
Excellent dragon carved from (or at least sitting on) a tree stump. Via Reddit. I have no information about the location or artist; please email or comment if you do. (As usual, click the image for a larger version.)
Our backyard gazebo, finally nearing completion. Since it’s been so long, I started a new post rather than just updating the old one. Most recent picture to the right, and more below the break. Click pictures for a bigger version.
Last Update: Saturday, 14 May 2011
Our backyard gazebo: a work in progress. Updates here in a more recent post as they happen (and I remember to take pictures). Most recent picture to the right. More after the jump: