I have written in glowing terms in the past about Sherwood Forest Faire, and I’m still a big fan now, twelve(!) years from my first visit. But I’d like to tell you about (and show you) a specific event within Sherwood that merits more attention: the Hawk Walk.
Tag: renfaire
Overheard at Sherwood
All I want to do is wear a costume and get drunk in the woods.
— Unknown Patron, Sherwood Forest Faire, outside Three Stags pub, Saturday 13 February 2016 [personal communication]
Dem Bones
The foot-bone’s connected to the… whole lot of other stuff, it turns out. I sprained my ankle recently (at fair, whilst doing something completely
stupid reasonable and prudent), and got some nifty digital X-rays to make sure nothing was broken. (Nothing was.) Original-resolution lossless PNG also available (1.5MB download). Original DICOM data files on request.
Protected: Where the Wind Comes Sweeping Down the Plain
Protected: Parsley, Sage, etc.
Mystery Machine
SWFF: One Year Later
Sherwood Forest Faire (see previous post) is in the middle of its second season, and I’ve been back five of the eight days they’ve been open so far. (They are open weekends through April 03, plus Friday, March 18.) While not without blemish, my experience has been a whole lot of fun, and in many ways an improvement over their great inaugural season. Read on for specifics:
Protected: Old Handle, New Blade
Protected: Scarborough 2010 Loot
Sherwood Forest Faire
A new fair has sprung up in this great land of ours, and against all odds it shows every outward sign of being exceptionally good. Sherwood Forest Faire is running Saturday and Sunday through April 04 of this year. I attended the opening weekend (27, 28 Feb 2010), had a great time, and plan to go back at least one more weekend if schedule and weather permit went back on 20, 21 Mar 2010, and had an even better time despite cold weather.
More gushing praise, links and even a few pictures after the jump.